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Connected through passion at Caravan Salon 2022
At Caravan Salon 2022, we took our guests on a discovery tour to find out our latest innovations, from the flyscreen door for Ford Transit to the curtain blind with beautiful LED lights and the unique van slide-out that can accommodate a 2-meter bed in the van while still leaving plenty of free space to walk around.
As 2022 marks Horrex’s 35 years of innovation, we launched a whole new marine product line for the yachts industry. Our thoughtfully designed products will bring sunshade and insect protection, with a touch of style.
We were glad to meet old customers at this fair, some of whom have stayed with us for decades. We cherish these valuable relationships and trust we have built over the years. We also had the pleasure of meeting new customers from all over the world. Hopefully these fruitful meetings would turn into win-win collaborations and unfold more future opportunities.
Caravan Salon is not only about doing business, but also about having fun together. We shared the popular Dutch treat stroopwafels and fisherman’s liquor from Vlaardingen, the fishing town and our home base in the Netherlands. Some guests loved these “delicious gifts” so much that they asked for more to take home to share with their families and friends.
We have curated some videos and news to refresh memories about Caravan Salon 2022. In spite of a challenging global environment, we are passionate about what we do and optimistic about the future.
Thank you for supporting us and see you next year!
Tarik Huijbers, sales operations manager, introduces the flyscreen door for Ford Transit.
The vlogger Andrew Ditton features our customers including Swift, Hymer and Adria in his highlights of Caravan Salon 2022.
Caravan Salon closes with 235K visitors from 72 countries.
Despite a difficult economic environment, people are still passionate about RV.